Arellano, Igartúa & Muñoz, S.C., is conformed by a team of lawyers with graduate degrees in the United States of America, Spain and Mexico, enabling it with the capacity to represent its clients, providing them with a highly certified legal assessment in different areas of the legal practice on which our firm is specialized. In addition to their professional responsibilities, and aware of the obligation they have with the community in which they develop, the lawyers of Arellano, Igartúa & Muñoz dedicate part of their time to diverse civic, academic and cultural labors. Likewise, they participate in networks, such as the Mentors Network of Endeavor, network that recognized them as “Ally of the Year” in 2011; this association boosts high profile enterprises to accelerate their processes.
La firma tiene vínculos y alianzas con otras firmas de consultores en diversas áreas de especialización
para el desarrollo de proyectos que requieren equipos multidisciplinarios, como el “Family Firm Institute”
con sede en Boston, EUAA.
The firm has links and alliances with other consultant firms in
diverse areas of specialization for the development of projects
which require multidisciplinary teams, such as the
“Family Firm Institute”, located in Boston, U.S.A.